TonDone is the business operating system for your building and facility service company
Our powerful and simple mobile apps provide access to all the critical data, but does not require extensive training to use.
Give your staff the data they need, when they need it. They can perform their work without waiting on a return phone call or a missed connection. This reduces errors, improves customer service, and reduces costs.
View, categorize, and report on work orders. Address issues raised by staff. Track customer requests and insights. Process invoices and payments. We provide a simple interface to completely manage the critical work your company does.
Do you know where your staff are? Don't wonder if work is getting done or have to hire a team of supervisors to check on attendance. Our software verifies that workers are on site and active during their work day and within the geofence of the work site.
We provide a powerful reporting engine that empowers you to make better and more informed decisions about your business.
Our platform provides you to the tools to manage your customers from prospect to customer to partner.
We want to partner with you to delight your customers and grow your business. Our team is made up of experts in operational and business management that work to improve each business and the industry as a whole.
Visit the BlogBuilt in collaboration with your peers. Our platform addresses the most common issues that growing companies experience.
Customer care, staff communication, and end-to-end business management are just a few of the issues we address.
Our solution offers the best proof of presence (location tracking) and proof of work in the industry so you know the work is done.